Welcome to Academic Outreach
Become a Mentor/Volunteer
Fort Eisenhower Volunteers
To become a registered volunteer, you will need the ACS Volunteer Orientation class with the AVCC which is held monthly at the Family Outreach Center, on the first Thursday from 10-11am. Classes are available upon request. You will also need a signed DD Form 2793 to be on file with AVCC prior to working in the volunteer position.
Contact Ms. Pamela B. Rachal at 706-791-8358 or at pamela.b.rachal.civ@army.mil for more information.
The Volunteer Management Information System otherwise known as VMIS is located on the Army Family Web Portal (AFWP), which assist with tracking volunteers, their hours and other pertinent information. VMIS allows volunteers to keep volunteer hours, awards, training, volunteer service ribbons and certificates in their Volunteer Service Record (VSR). Regulation AR- 608-1, para 5-9n states “all volunteers must use this program”. Without being registered in the system, you cannot get credit for hours served.
To register for VMIS go to: https://www.armyfamilywebportal.com
Search “CCoE Outreach” in the Organization section for more volunteer opportunities.
Fort Eisenhower Adopt-A-School Program

Richmond County School System Volunteers
All individuals, who are not RCSS employees wishing to volunteer in the Richmond County School System must complete a criminal history background check - no exceptions.
To register to volunteer, go to: https://www.rcboe.org/Page/46200
Columbia County School System Volunteers
By Georgia law, all parent volunteers must complete training each school year.
To register to volunteer, go to: https://www.ccboe.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1197233&type=d&pREC_ID=1440025