U.S. Army Cyber School


The mission of the U.S. Army Cyber School is to provide the Army with a highly skilled, agile, and innovative Cyber workforce, trained to Army and Joint standards, to fulfill commanders' strategic, operational, and tactical requirements within the Cyberspace domain. The U.S. Army Cyber School is responsible for intra-service and functional training and education to develop knowledge, skills, and abilities related to Defensive Cyberspace Operations (DCO), Offensive Cyberspace Operations (OCO), Electromagnetic Warfare (EW), and cyberspace planning, integration, and synchronization.

Contact Us

U.S. Army Cyber School
633 Barnes Avenue
Fort Eisenhower, GA 30905

CTED/Colleges Contact Info: “Please check ATRRS for Course POCs”

Office Chief of Cyber Point of Contact:

Officer Division - usarmy.eisenhower.cyber-coe.mbx.occ-officers@army.mil
Warrant Officer Division - usarmy.eisenhower.cyber-coe.mbx.occ-warrantofficers@army.mil
Enlisted Division - usarmy.eisenhower.cyber-coe.mbx.occ-enlisted@army.mil

Cyber School Leadership
Col. John J. Hosey Jr Cyber School Commandant
Sgt. Maj. Ronald V. Krause Command Sergeant Major
CW5 Brian Matthews Command Chief Warrant Officer
Mr. Todd Boudreau Deputy Commandant
Col. Joseph A. Puskas II Assistant Commandant, Cyber School