Welcome to the Cyber Center of Excellence


Office of the Chief of Signal


Serves as the strategic human resources planner and advisor to the Chief of Signal on all AOC, MOS, FA, ASI, SQI and personnel development matters for the Signal Regiment. Manages and directs the eight personnel life-cycle management functions for all Soldiers of the Signal Regiment in the Active and Reserve Components. Serves as the single focal point for all personnel developer, and force integration proponent matters affecting the Signal Regiment.

Mission Essential Task List

  • Develop and maintain Signal military occupational specialties and areas of concentration
  • Implement viable Signal professional development and career management programs
  • Provide policy and guidance concerning Signal personnel lifecycle management
  • Foster camaraderie and esprit de corps among all members of the Signal Corps
  • Research, document and display Signal Regiment lineage and history
  • Communicate with the Signal Regiment constituency