551st Signal Battalion
Awards and Recognition


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3rd Qtr Post Instructor of the Quarter Winner
Selected to march and represent Fort Gordon in the Augusta Veterans Day Parade
Post Instructor of the Year Winner
Post Civilian of the Year Winner
"Giving your Best” Award Recipient
Post Softball Unit League Champions
National Military Family Association “Award of Merit” Recipient
1st Qtr Brigade NCO of the Quarter Winner
1st Qtr Post Instructor of the Quarter Winner
TRADOC Early Bird award, First in TRADOC to meet Fiscal Year retention goals


1st Qtr Brigade Civilian of the Quarter Winner
1st Qtr Post Volunteer of the Quarter Winner
Selected to represent POST in TRADOC UPL Inspection - earning a perfect score
3rd Qtr Post Instructor of the Quarter Winner
3rd Qtr Brigade Civilian of the Quarter Winner
Post Basketball Champions
Post Unit Volleyball Runner-up
AUSA Golf Tournament Champions
SCRA Golf Tournament Champions
Represented the Post at the Atlanta Braves Military Appreciation Night during the opening ceremony and National Anthem
SMA Golf Tournament Champions
Volunteered over 4000 hrs of community service to CSRA so far this year
1st Annual Brian Littrell Healthy Heart Club Golf Tournament Champions
led 1st Annual Combat Spouse Day- recognized by Post as a TRADOC "Best Practices" Nomination
Two Soldiers recognized by the local professional baseball club; highlighting their diligent volunteer work to improve the CSRA
25S10 Advanced Individual Training Course designated by Post Quality Assurance Office as a "Learning Institution of Excellence"
Signal Corps Regimental Association, Albert J. Myer Leadership Award Winner
Post Softball Unit League Champions
3rd Qtr Post Civilian of the Quarter Winner
Recognized by Grovetown officials for the support provided to their Independence Day Celebration
Received the highest number of commendable ratings within the brigade during the Annual Organization Inspection Program (OIP)
4th Qtr Brigade Soldier of the Quarter Winner
Volunteered 4080 hours in support of Inaugural Ironman 70.3 Augusta Triathlon
Augusta Broad Street 10K Ramble Winner in the male, 20-24 year old bracket
Battalion graduates 2000th AIT Soldier this year
Conducted the first ever Civilian Profession Day "Day in the life of a Soldier" within the Brigade
Brigade Winner of the "Best Battalion Headquarters" 3 of the past 4 months
FRG Leader received Fort Gordon "Volunteer of the Year" Award for numerous contributions to the community
Signal Conference Golf Tournament Champions


Brigade Winner of the "Best Battalion Headquarters"
551st sponsored Dining Facility #6 selected as the Commander's Best Dining Facility for 2nd Qtr, FY 10
Brigade Winner of the "Best Schoolhouse" Moran Hall
Brigade Winner of the "Best Barracks" D-551
2nd Qtr Brigade Civilian of the Quarter Winner
Fisher House Golf Tournament Champions
Awarded the Commanding General Excellence in Retention Award as the Highest Production Battalion for FY 2010
Combatives Tournament placed first in three of the seven weight classes
AFCEA Golf Tournament Champions
Represented the Army and won the Fort Gordon All Inter-Service Golf Tournament
Soldier selected to represent the Brigade at the Army Birthday and Signal Ball celebrations
Fort Gordon Platoon Sergeant of the Year winner
15th Regimental Signal Brigade Golf Tournament Champions
3rd Qtr Brigade NCO of the Quarter Winner
3rd Qtr Brigade Soldier of the Quarter Winner
Commanding General's Farewell Golf Tournament Champions