Due to winter weather, CCoE Commanders and Staff Directors are authorized to maximize telework (subject to mission requirements) beginning at noon on 21 January 2025 and all day on 22 January 2025. Contractors will abide by the terms of their contracts.
Please exercise extreme caution when driving in winter weather conditions both on and off post.
Monitor weather conditions here


369th Signal Battalion
'Quality All Ways!'

Delta Company


Delta Company conducts Initial Military Training in order to develop disciplined Leaders and Signal (25U) Soldiers who are physically fit, committed to the Profession of Arms, embrace the Warrior Ethos, possess the Warrior Spirit, and live the Army Values; effectively supporting the warfighter in multi-domain operations.


Building 29714, Barnes Avenue
Fort Eisenhower
CQ DESK: 706-791-8126
25U Signal Support Systems Specialist 18 Weeks Day Shift
Week Event
WK 1

In-Processing, Victory Academy, 350-1 Training, HPDT, MRT

WK 2

ACFT  #1, Room Inspection, Phase V Exam, MRT

WK 3

4 Mile Ruck, Suicide Prevention Training, MRT, Finance Class

WK 4

WTBD BRM, Sleep Wellness Class, Running Class, Nutrition Class, MRT

WK 5


WK 6

WTBD Land Navigation, MRT, Working RFO Complete

WK 7

WTBD Voice Communications, MRT, Sponsorship Complete

WK 8

WTBD Employ Hand Grenades, Profession of Arms, MRT

WK 9

ACFT #2, Room Inspection, Phase V+ Exam, MRT

WK 10

6 Mile Ruck, WTBD TC3, H/W screening, MRT, RFO due to OPS

WK 11

WTBD Land Navigation, Nutrition Class, MRT

WK 12

WTBD TC3, Sleep Wellness Class, MRT, RFO updates due to OPS

WK 13

WTBD Survive, EST 2000, MRT, Final RFO submission to OPS

WK 14

SEC+ Voucher Preparation, MRT

WK 15

WTBD review/validation, Out-processing Packets Complete

WK 16

Combative Level 1 Overview

WK 17

FTX, Induction Ceremony, Out-processing

WK 18

Out-processing, Graduation, PCS