551st Signal Battalion
Chaplain Services

Due to winter weather, CCoE Commanders and Staff Directors are authorized to maximize telework (subject to mission requirements) beginning at noon on 21 January 2025 and all day on 22 January 2025. Contractors will abide by the terms of their contracts.
Please exercise extreme caution when driving in winter weather conditions both on and off post.
Monitor weather conditions here

Counseling Services

  • Marriage
  • Grief
  • Family Stress
  • ​Army Community Services Referral
For Appointments or to meet with a Chaplain call 551st Signal BN Chaplain/Unit Ministry Team
Office: (706) 791-4298         Cell: (706) 840-3469
If you need a chaplain after duty hours or holidays please contact the IOC desk at (706) 791-9747 and the duty chaplain will be contacted to assist you.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline         988

Military OneSource provides a wide range of confidential support services to Active-duty, Guard, and Reserve members and their families Eligibility for Confidential, Non-medical Support Services.
Designed to provide service help with short-term issues such as adjustment to situational stressors, stress management, decision making, communication, grief, blended-family issues, and parenting-skills issues.
Counseling sessions are kept confidential, within certain guidelines. A family member may seek counseling without the knowledge or consent of the service member.
A Military OneSource consultant can explain the limits of confidentiality in more detail.
For details about their counseling options: (1) Face-to-face (2) Telephone (3) Online; please visit Military OneSource's Non-medical Counseling page

TRICARE has a Military and Family Life Consultant Program, their services include:
Life Skills: Anger Management, Conflict Resolution, Communication, Parenting, Relationship Issues, Decision-making Skills, Productivity at Work
Military Lifestyle: Deployment Stress, Separation, Coping Skills, Reintegration: "Warrior to Citizen" Relocation Adjustment, Building Resiliency, Homesickness, Loss and Grief