CSM Matthew J. “Joe” Halstead is the current Command Sergeant Major for the 15th Signal Brigade. He entered the Army on 22 January 1999 in Charleston, West Virginia as a Signal Support Systems Specialist (25U). He attended Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson and AIT at Fort Gordon.
CSM Halstead has served as a Radio Retransmission Specialist and Supervisor, Forward Signal Support NCO, Battalion Communications Chief, Satellite Communications Platoon Sergeant, Detachment Sergeant, Drill Sergeant, Senior Drill Sergeant, Brigade Communications Chief, First Sergeant, Brigade Operations Sergeant Major, G6 Sergeant Major, ASCC Command Sergeant Major (Temp), and Battalion Command Sergeant Major.
His stateside assignments include Fort Riley, Fort Bragg, Fort Knox, Fort Carson, Fort Sill, Fort Bliss, Fort Hood, and Fort Huachuca. His overseas assignments include Dominican Republic, Belgium, and Italy. He has deployed to Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan for peacekeeping and combat operations. He has also worked extensively throughout the European and African theaters of operation.
CSM Halstead has completed Drill Sergeant School and all levels of NCO professional development including the Sergeants Major Course, Class 67. He holds an MBA from Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia.
CSM Halstead’s awards and decorations are commensurate with his experiences and time in service. In addition, he has earned the German Schützenschnur and has been awarded the Signal Corps’ Bronze Order of Mercury and the Field Artillery’s Honorable Order of Saint Barbara.