United States Army
Cyber Corps

U.S. Army Cyber School Leadership

Col. John J. Hosey Jr Commandant & Chief of Cyber
Sgt. Maj. Kevin D. Flickinger Command Sergeant Major of Cyber Corps
CW5 Brian Matthews Chief Warrant Officer of the Branch
Mr. Todd Boudreau Deputy Commandant
Col. Joseph A. Puskas II Assistant Commandant

U.S. Army Cyber School Mission

The U.S. Army Cyber School recruits talented and innovative citizens and develops them into combat ready Cyberspace Effects and Electromagnetic Warfare (EW) professionals. The Cyber School provides world-class education in EW and Offensive and Defensive Cyberspace Operations (OCO/DCO) to produce highly skilled, agile, and innovative intra-service Warriors, educated to Army and Joint standards, ready to fight and win in and through the Cyberspace Domain and Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Bldg. 25601
633 Barnes Ave.
Fort Eisenhower, Ga. 30905