United States Army
Cyber Corps

Cyber Warrant Officer Corps

Cyber Corps Warrant Officers are Technical Subject Matter Experts who identify, troubleshoot, and engineer solutions to technically difficult problems used to defend against, target, and neutralize Cyberspace threats and Electromagnetic Warfare targets, whether by lethal or nonlethal means.​ 


Military Occupational Specialty Links
170A - Cyber Warfare Technicians maneuver against Nation-State Threat actors in cyberspace, defend our networks from adversarial attacks, identify host and network vulnerabilities, normalize, and visualize large data sets for anomalies, and use mathematics and computing languages to develop algorithms that can identify malicious activity throughout the World Wide Web.
170B - Cyber Electromagnetic Warfare Technicians work in the tactical environment alongside Combat Arms personnel to protect and defend them from adversarial Electromagnetic Attacks while also denying, neutralizing, and destroying the Electromagnetic capabilities of our enemies in the field.
170D - Cyber Capability Developer Technicians are software developers who code and engineer capabilities needed by the operational force. Using languages like python and C, they develop software applications and programs used by the Cyber Force to defend against and defeat our nations opponents.