Office of the Inspector General


Monitor and assess Cyber Center of Excellence and Fort Eisenhower operations, execute IG functions, provide relevant, timely support to Soldiers, civilians and their families, to determine and report the readiness condition of tenant organizations, foster growth of mature systems and processes, enhance warfighting capability, and maintain trust and confidence in the IG system.

Downloadable Documents

Inspector General Action Request DA Form 1559
Family Non Support Checklist
Commander Family Non Support Guide


Office of the Inspector General (IG)
275 Heritage Park Lane, Building 35201
Fort Eisenhower, Georgia 30905
Phone: (706) 791-4565

Hours of Operation

Monday: 0830-1630
Tuesday: 0830-1630
Wednesday: 0830-1630
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 0830-1630


Lt. Col. Scott W. Fixmer II 
Command Inspector General

Master Sgt. Samuel J. Longoria
Inspector General NCOIC