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CCoE NCO Academy Senior Leader Course

25Z (VI Operations Chief)

25Z SLC is a resident training course that focuses on areas of professional competence, leadership, technical, tactical, and communications skills at the platoon level. This includes areas such as Developmental Counselings, Awards, NCOERs, Army Writing Style, etc. Students will also be trained and evaluated in areas such as Drill and Ceremonies, Physical Readiness Training (PRT), In-Ranks Inspections, etc.

The technical training portion of the course consists of classes that will enhance the M-O-S skills associated with VI Operations NCOs. At the end of the course, students will participate in a three (3) day team building Field Training Exercise (FTX) to demonstrate their mastery of the critical tasks taught in this course.

Advanced Technical Training

Validate a VI Maintenance Program
Raster Imaging
Digital Video Editing
Write a VI Annex to an OPORD
Direct Deployment of VI Assets

46Z (Chief Public Affairs NCO)

46Z SLC is a resident training course that focuses on areas of professional competence, leadership, technical, tactical, and communications skills at the platoon level. This includes areas such as Developmental Counselings, Awards, NCOERs, Army Writing Style, etc. Students will also be trained and evaluated in areas such as Drill and Ceremonies, Physical Readiness Training (PRT), In-Ranks Inspections, etc.

The technical training portion of the course consists of classes that will enhance the M-O-S skills associated with Chief Public Affairs NCOs. At the end of the course, students will participate in a three (3) day team building Field Training Exercise (FTX) to demonstrate their mastery of the critical tasks taught in this course.